Trademark Law Fundamentals: Purpose, Value, and Core Concepts of Trademarks
Introduction to Trademark Law Michael M. Baylson, Senior Judge for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, summarized this blog post in just four words: “Trademarks are important concepts.” Lontex Corp. v. Nike, Inc., No. 18-5623, at 1 (E.D. Pa. Mar. 3, 2022). For those who would otherwise put this post […]
Duty of Good Faith and Fair Dealing (Kansas)
“He’s not negotiating in good faith”, one often hears. This may be heard in connection with an absurdly low offer made to purchase an asset, such as a commercial office building, single family residence, or an automobile, or when parties are attempting to settle a claim. The law in Kansas regarding good faith and fair […]
Unenforceable Contracts In Kansas
It may seem inapposite for an agreement to be made between competent parties and that agreement to be subsequently rendered worthless by a court of law. The fact that a court has such power surprises many. Some are relieved to learn of this authority when found on the losing end of a deal. Others are […]
Lesser-Known Risk When Drafting a Contract (Kansas)
Writing a contract may appear so simple to some business people that little risk is evident in so doing. An urge to move things ahead, accomplish a task, or close a deal propels a person to get on his computer, retrieve some sort of template, and start making tweaks to it based on the perceivably […]
Contract Law Rescission (Kansas)
The application of contracts to business takes no prisoners. Take a look across some of the professions, for example. Physicians have their patients sign informed consent forms prior to surgical procedures. Lawyers have their clients sign engagement letters or fee agreements. Engineers and architects have their clients sign professional services agreements. Accountants or CPAs use […]
Contract Law Reformation (Kansas)
Whether one loves or hates them, contracts are woven into the fabric of American commerce. Think about the process of buying a home, a car, or even a dog. You’ll be asked to read and sign one or more pieces of paper reflecting the terms of the deal, such as the purchase price, payment terms, […]
Ambiguity In Kansas Real Estate Contracts

In the field of real estate, contracts are made all of the time. Real estate attorneys see and write contracts for lease and sublease, contracts for sale, contracts for purchase, and other types of real estate contracts. Contracts are perhaps the physically flimsiest but practically strongest underpinning of all real estate transactions as we know […]
Attorney’s Fees Clauses Are Enforceable in Kansas Commercial Leases

Commercial leases in the state of Kansas, not unlike the rest of the nation, are entered into on a routine basis. With the massive land area that makes up the overwhelming majority of the total size of Kansas, there is plenty of terrain to support office buildings, industrial properties, and strip shopping centers. Some of […]
Purchasing Recreational Real Estate in Kansas and Missouri

Aside from life’s most precious moments, there may be no greater joy than that evoked when a person walks through his own land. The feelings of complete freedom and autonomy are overwhelmingly positive, perhaps intoxicating. One can look out and see rows of trees, open fields, and blue skies; hear the sounds of a gentle […]