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Outside General Counsel

There is a middle ground between business owners dealing with legal issues independently and incurring the significant financial burden of full-time legal staff.  This middle-ground solution is outside general counsel, a service routinely provided here at Kincaid Law KC, LLC ® for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, and small and medium-sized businesses throughout Kansas and Missouri.  For most small businesses, an in-house counsel arrangement (an attorney directly employed by the small business) may be impractical.  Most of them do not have the volume or complexity of legal matters to justify the expense of hiring a full time, salaried in-house counsel.

Legal issues are not just the bane of large companies.  Small businesses have frequent legal needs in the areas of contract law, business law, real estate law, and general disputes, all of which can usually be handled by a competent outside general counsel attorney.  Additionally, outside general counsel can manage legal matters by procuring and delegating to attorneys who specialize in niches area of law that may need attention with less frequency (e.g., securities law, patent law, bankruptcy law, etc.).  Many small businesses take comfort in having a go-to “guy” who is trustworthy, versatile, and humble enough to know when to involve another attorney.  In our role as outside general counsel, Kincaid Law KC, LLC ® typically receives the first call when its clients face business issues with legal implications.

As an entrepreneur himself, Mr. Kincaid provides a business-focused and practical approach to problem solving.  He uses his considerable entrepreneurial experience to provide clients with proactive legal risk management as well as practical, results-oriented dispute resolution services.

Kincaid Law KC, LLC ® can be available to your team as needed, and being available won’t translate into skyrocketing legal costs: our fees are a fraction of those of the large law firms in the Kansas City metropolitan area, with many of them charging $450/hour or more for the services of experienced attorneys.  For large companies, paying $450 to $900 per hour for legal fees won’t necessarily break the bank.  For many if not most small companies, however, those rates are unaffordable and/or unappealing.  Kincaid Law KC, LLC ® provides efficient, client-centered, and cost-effective legal services.

Benjamin Franklin coined the timeless phrase “[a]n ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  An outside general counsel relationship in which frequent and open communication is established with a skilled attorney could make the difference between preventing a crisis and dealing with it afterwards.

As outside general counsel, Kincaid Law KC, LLC ® can handle the following types of legal matters:

If you would like to make an appointment with Kincaid Law KC, LLC ® regarding an outside general counsel matter, please feel free to conveniently schedule with us here.