Ambiguity In Kansas Real Estate Contracts

In the field of real estate, contracts are made all of the time. Real estate attorneys see and write contracts for lease and sublease, contracts for sale, contracts for purchase, and other types of real estate contracts. Contracts are perhaps the physically flimsiest but practically strongest underpinning of all real estate transactions as we know […]
Attorney’s Fees Clauses Are Enforceable in Kansas Commercial Leases

Commercial leases in the state of Kansas, not unlike the rest of the nation, are entered into on a routine basis. With the massive land area that makes up the overwhelming majority of the total size of Kansas, there is plenty of terrain to support office buildings, industrial properties, and strip shopping centers. Some of […]
Purchasing Recreational Real Estate in Kansas and Missouri

Aside from life’s most precious moments, there may be no greater joy than that evoked when a person walks through his own land. The feelings of complete freedom and autonomy are overwhelmingly positive, perhaps intoxicating. One can look out and see rows of trees, open fields, and blue skies; hear the sounds of a gentle […]
Kansas Residential Lease Agreements

In our last blog post about contract law, we wrote about implied contract terms in Kansas, showing our readers that a warranty of workmanlike performance is implied in every service contract in which no express warranty is provided. This may have come as a surprise to Kansans who frequently make oral agreements, handshake agreements, or […]
One Property, Multiple Owners: A Method to Resolve Major Disagreements Concerning Jointly Owned Real Estate
In our last blog post, we considered whether a person should use an attorney or a real estate agent to help buy or sell a home. After reading that post, you now understand that there is no universally correct answer: real estate attorneys and real estate agents serve different roles, with each bringing different skills […]
Should You Use an Attorney or a Real Estate Agent to Sell or Purchase Your Home?
In our last blog post, we wrote about the relationship between deeds and real estate contracts, explaining the merger doctrine. After reading that post, you now understand that the particular language of a real estate contract and the subsequent deed of conveyance is of utmost importance. Getting a professional to prepare those for you, as […]
Real Estate Contracts vs. Real Estate Deeds: Does One Trump the Other?
In our last blog post about real estate law, we wrote about deeds, breaking down some of the similarities and differences between warranty deeds and quitclaim deeds. After reading that post, you now know that deeds are an essential component of any real property sale whether of a commercial, residential, or agricultural nature. You might […]
Warranty Deeds vs. Quitclaim Deeds
Buying or selling real estate, whether of a commercial, residential, or agricultural nature, is exciting but brings with it a host of considerations that may affect the parties involved in the transaction for years to come. Real estate investors, business owners, and families need to know about two of the main types of written legal […]